Natural deodorants: Which are the highest rated natural deodorant of 2019?

That it is not an antiperspirant, that it does not work with aerosol or that it does not carry aluminium salts(best for bath and body works bath salts)… the deodorant world has been immersed in numerous "crises" throughout the last years. But all of them have turned out to be weathered by that one need we thought we had with respect to our armpits: lasting protection. So far, a pleasant aroma and the blocking of sweat for the maximum possible hours was all we asked of a deodorant to use ... but the cosmetics have evolved with social changes, and the demands on our beauty products have multiplied. That's right. 

Due to the various diseases that have been occurring lately, and the weakening of the environment, many people prefer to consume food and natural products that offer them peace of mind when using them, guaranteeing a healthier lifestyle and a healthier environmental state.

In this case, we will talk about highest rated natural deodorant, essential elements in personal hygiene that allow you to be calm at the time of sweating since they offer the same effectiveness of common deodorants, are free of chemicals, and bet on the environment. If you want to know more, we invite you to join us in reading this article.

The most important

  • Natural deodorants can be obtained at a store specialising in natural cosmetics or can be manufactured at home.
  • They are not expensive and offer the same effectiveness of chemical deodorants.
  • When choosing a natural deodorant, it is essential to consider criteria such as the composition of this, if it is effective in controlling sweat and bad smell, the laboratory that manufactures it, the presentation of the product (roll-onon, stick, cream or ingot) and the price.
What are the most common ingredients to make a natural deodorant?

Next, we will talk about some products that are used to create highest rated natural deodorant; these are 100% natural, provide benefits to your body such as hydration and maintenance of the skin, are economical, and help to preserve the environment in good condition.

Aloe Vera: It is obtained from the crushing of the aloe leaves, it is characterised by being gelatinous, and its transparent color; Its properties are extraordinary because it provides moisture and regeneration to the skin when it has suffered burns. It is an excellent alternative for sensitive skin that does not sweat too much.

Walnut Leaves: They are used in natural cosmetics in the infusion. An excellent formula is obtained from the combination of Aloe Vera and Walnut leaves.

Bicarbonate: It is one of the products most used by people with little perspiration. Its preparation is simple, consists of applying the powder directly on the armpits or making a paste with water. However, it has two disadvantages and is that it stains clothes easily and is not recommended for sensitive skin, as it causes irritation in the first applications.

Bicarbonate, corn starch, and coconut oil: An excellent alternative to reduce perspiration. Its preparation consists of mixing 3 tablespoons of cornstarch with coconut oil and a little baking soda; Stir well until you get a cream that should be placed on the fire to achieve a solid consistency.

Alum stone: It is considered one of the most effective products as deodorant since it is a potent bactericide; it is easy to apply, long-lasting, and has no odor.

Vinegar: Like alum stone, it does not require early preparation, you just have to apply it directly on the armpits. It has two disadvantages that are: its strong smell and its short duration of effectiveness against sweat and bad smell, so it is required to be applied several times a day.

Lemon: It is a potent bactericide, which helps to eliminate bad smell. It is usually used by people who sweat little since it has no antiperspirant effect. Additionally, when used for a long time, it loses its effectiveness in fighting the bad smell; Nor is it very respectful of sensitive skin since it irritates them easily.

Tea tree essential oil: It is excellent for the elimination of bad smell since it has bactericidal properties. Several studies have shown that Tea tree essential oil face scrub is one of the most effective deodorants to treat sweating and bad odor.


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