Details You Need To Consider Before Buying Natural Deodorants

Today, it is common to use deodorants at any time of the year. It has become a perfectly normal hygiene routine. But how to choose a deodorant and how is it different from antiperspirant? What to look for when buying it for yourself? Let us explore every minute detail on buying the highest rated natural deodorant.

The difference between deodorant and antiperspirant

The distinction between a deodorant and antiperspirant is fundamental. The deodorant was created to eliminate the unpleasant pungent smell of sweat. The law of its action is to overcome the action of bacteria, which causes a foul smell. Deodorant does not affect the perspiration level of your body.

However, the antiperspirant fights the real cause of excessive sweating by acting not on the odor itself, and not on the bacteria, but it blocks the apocrine sweat glands of our body. It narrows them down, creating the release of less moisture.

The choice between deodorant and antiperspirant

Let us briefly understand: deodorants block the presence of an unpleasant odor, and antiperspirants prevent the process of sweating, leaving the skin of the armpits continually dry.

Antiperspirant: salts and synthetics

Aluminum salts, in addition to synthetic fragrances, preservatives, and parabens are often present in the composition of an antiperspirant. It is almost impossible to produce an antiperspirant with other components that would work efficiently. These active substances often make the sensitive skin of the armpits dry and irritated, mainly if you apply it when your skin is damaged.

The action of antiperspirants cannot be considered absolutely safe since it is not physiologically justified. Complete blocking of sweating, in particular, leads to the fact that slags and decay products collected in our body, which is normally removed from the skin surface when we sweat.

The benefits of antiperspirants are that it prevents sweat to appear on our clothes, which sometimes turns out to be a risky condition for a normal life. The effect of an antiperspirant stays up to eight hours.

Deodorant: Essential Oils and Herbs

These days you can also find a deodorant that has a natural origin, it is produced with a large number of essential oils and plant extracts that will not influence the functioning of sweat glands, but will perfectly kill the odor. This option is more suitable for individuals with sensitive skin. 

If you prefer this type of highest rated natural deodorant for the smell of sweat, it is best to buy from certified sellers( one of them is Best4you). 

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to eco-labeling as it will serve as a guarantee that there are no annoying ingredients of synthetic origin in their composition. The most reliable and safe deodorant composition includes fragrances of natural ingredients that mask the smell of sweat or bactericidal substances. They hinder the activity of bacteria that release sweat.


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